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Vocabulary #3

animal: Organism that have many cells, can´t make their own food, and can move.

class: The largest group within phylum.

classify: To group things together based on  similarity.

family: The largest group within an order.

fungi: Organism that have cell walls and absorb food from their surrounding.

genus: The largest group within a family.( Example: panda: ailuroproda)

kingdom: The largest group of living things.

monera: One celled organism taht don't have a nucleus.

order: The largest group within a class. (Example: Lion : Carnivor

phylum: The largest group within a kingdom. (Example: pinguin : chordata)

plants: Organisms that are made up of many cells, have chlorophyll, and can make their own food.

protists: Mostly single celled organisms that have a nucleus and other cell parts.

scientific name: The genus and species names together.

species: The smallest group of living things. (Example: fish)

trait: A feature of a thing has.

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